Railway Prototype Cyclopedia Volume 30
World War II Emergency GH/GS Composite Gondola Cars (28 pages) by Patrick C. Wider
The article continues the series on the “emergency” composite freight cars built during World War II in an effort to reduce the industry’s dependency on the critically short materials needed for the weapons of war. Ultimately three car builders (General American, Pressed Steel, and Pullman-Standard) and one railroad shop (CMStP&P) built a total of 12,185 A.A.R. class GH/GS, 41'-0" or 41'-6", 50-ton and 46'-0", 70-ton emergency composite “general service” gondola cars with drop doors during or immediately following the war. Of these, 3,500 cars were built to a standard A.A.R. 50-ton composite general service gondola car design. Included is coverage of the cars rebuilt with steel sides, solid floors, or side extensions for hauling wood chips and sugar beets. The article includes 11 diagrams, 31 photographs, and one roster.
ACF-Design 1,958 Cu. Ft. Covered Hopper Cars, Part 3 (85 pages) by Ed Hawkins
The article includes descriptions and photographs of the cars built by Bethlehem Steel, Greenville Steel, Harlan & Hollingsworth, Mount Vernon, Pullman-Standard, Ralston Steel, Thrall, Santa Fe, Burlington Lines, C&EI, Milwaukee Road, MoPac, Northern Pacific, St. Louis - San Francisco, and Union Pacific from 1940 to 1961. While the cars were built to essentially the same ACF design presented in Volume 27, the article describes how these cars differed from those built by ACF. Discussed are the various roof and hatch cover designs as well as the specific variations and specialty items such as hand brakes, running boards and brake steps, trucks, wheels, and painting information/specs. The cars are described and illustrated with 138 builder and in-service photographs including a number of illustrative overhead views, four tables, and a comprehensive four-page roster.