Railway Prototype Cyclopedia Volume 29
World War II Emergency Composite Hopper Cars (79 pages) by Patrick C. Wider
The article continues the series on the emergency composite freight cars built during World War II in an effort to reduce the industry's dependency on the critically short materials needed for the weapons of war. Included are 50- and 70-ton emergency composite hopper cars built to A.A.R. and several proprietary designs, side-dump ballast cars of similar composite designs, and the various postwar all-steel rebuilds. Ultimately, 11 car builders and railroad shops built a total of 19,772, 50- and 70-ton emergency composite hopper and ballast cars during the wartime period. Of these, 11,675, 50-ton composite hopper cars were built for 15 railroads based upon the A.A.R. emergency composite twin hopper design, and 2,625, 70-ton composite hopper cars were built for six railroads based upon the A.A.R. emergency composite triple hopper design. In addition, 4,472 non-standard, 50-ton composite hopper and ballast cars were built to various proprietary designs for six railroads during the wartime period. The article includes 111 photographs, 28 diagrams, and three rosters.
ACF Carbuilders End 50-ton, 40'-6" Box Cars (34 pages) by Ed Hawkins
The article includes descriptions, diagrams, photos, and a comprehensive roster of 50-ton, 40'-6" box cars built by ACF from 1950 to 1954 equipped with ACF-designed Carbuilders Ends (an adaptation of an Improved Dreadnaught End). ACF built 5,235 of the cars for 13 roads, which are listed in a comprehensive roster that includes ACL, ATSF, BAR, BCK, C&EI, CN&L, CRR, ITC, KCS, M-K-T, RI, TP&W, and WIF. The cars came with a variety of combinations of sides (welded and riveted with 6', 7', and 8' door openings), roofs (diagonal panel and ACF Depressed Panel), trucks, and other specialty items. The box cars are illustrated with more than 10 drawings and 50 builder and in-service photographs.