Railway Prototype Cyclopedia Volume 25
Santa Fe Bx-34, -37, and -43 Class 1937 A.A.R. Modified Standard Box Cars by Patrick C. Wider
The article is the eleventh in a series covering American box car designs that were built during the first half of the 20th century. Described are the 40’, 50-ton box cars assembled by Pullman-Standard and General American that followed the design of the A.A.R. modified-standard, all-steel box car of 1937. The article includes the latest information pertaining to the billboard stenciling applied to these cars. The article includes 1 table, 6 diagrams, and 46 prototype photographs.
1936 A.A.R. Standard 50-Ton and Related 33’ Offset-Side Hopper Cars (Part 7) by Ed Hawkins
The article expands on cars of this type discussed in six previous volumes. Included are many photographs obtained since Volumes 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, and 13 were published. The previously-named “A.A.R. alternate standard” hopper cars are discussed and assigned their more appropriate name of “A.M.C. Standard Design 50-Ton Hopper Car” after the Advisory Mechanical Committee of the C&O, Erie, and NKP Railroads that owned tens of thousands of these cars. Several newly obtained diagrams amply illustrate the many design differences apparent in the various cars. The article includes 11 tables, 24 diagrams, and 112 prototype photographs.