Railway Prototype Cyclopedia Volume 13
Milwaukee Road Ribbed-Side Box and Automobile Cars (75 pages) by Pat Wider
The extensive material (75 pages) includes plans, photographs, and a roster of Milwaukee Road ribbed-side 40’ & 50’ box and automobile cars that were designed and patented by the railroad’s Car Department Superintendent, Karl Nystrom. Discussed are the cars’ many variations implemented during their period of construction (1937-1949).
Seaboard Air Line Turtle-Back Cars (13 pages) by Pat Wider
The article describes and illustrates the several classes of Turtle-Back (round-roof) box and automobile cars built by Pullman-Standard for the Seaboard Air Line from 1940 to 1942.
CB&Q Wood-Sheathed Auto Cars Part 2 ((XA-15 and XA-16) (13 pages) by Bat Masterson, Hol Wagner, and Al Hoffman
Part two of the article on CB&Q automobile cars continues from where the previous article left off. The final part covers the all-steel automobile cars built by the railroad from 1941 to 1946 and it includes several diagrams and numerous photographs of these cars.
A.A.R. Twin Offset Hopper Cars: Western Roads by Ed Hawkins
Ed Hawkins continues his series on the A.A.R. twin offset hopper cars by discussing and illustrating the cars owned by the Santa Fe and Northern Pacific railroads.