Railway Prototype Cyclopedia Volume 12
Weighing Freight Cars (45 pages) by Pat Wider
The extensive material includes plans and photographs of Fairbanks-Morse and Howe track scales, Baldwin-Southwark scale test cars, National Bureau of Standards scale test cars, B&O scale tool cars, as well as lists of track scales on the B&O railroad and a list of the railroad’s weigh station symbols. Several pages are devoted to describing the process of weighing freight cars and the reweighing and stenciling requirements of the A.A.R.
CB&Q Wood-Sheathed Auto Cars (XA-1 Through XA-14) (42 pages) by Bat Masterson, Hol Wagner, and Al Hoffman
The material includes a roster and a comprehensive history of CB&Q’s XA-1 through XA-14 double- and single-sheathed automobile cars as well as numerous photographs and diagrams. More than 7,000 cars of these 40' and 50' classes were built through 1937.
Fruit Growers Express/Burlington Refrigerator Express/Western Fruit Express Wartime Reefers (1942-1946) (26 pages) by Bill Welch, Ed Hawkins, and Pat Wider
The article includes an extensive history of the FGE consortium as well as a roster, descriptions, and numerous photographs of the FGE/BRE/WFE cars built from 1942-1946. The earliest of these had plywood-sheathed sides, while others had vertical tongue and groove sides. All-steel derivatives built by Mount Vernon beginning in late 1946 are also included. The subject matter covers prototype cars that will soon be forthcoming from Sunshine Models in HO scale.